Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Got Prayer?

Stepping Out in RED Shoes! 
- Day 117 -

"Electronic Prayer"

A week or so ago, God tapped me on the shoulder and said... "Let's try something a little different for a few days.  Instead of doing your usual blog,  let's do an electronic prayer line.  We'll pick some themes and ask people if anyone would like prayer."  It sounded like an interesting idea and I was up for something a little different.  I never thought for a second it would be so powerful!

Here's how it works...  I start off with a post on facebook, letting people know that I'm available to  agree with them in prayer.  If there's a specific theme that I feel God is leading me to pray for, I note that.  Sometimes it's "open prayer" -  Anything goes!   I also note the time frame I'll be praying.  People with requests state their needs in the comment box, or if privacy is requested, they can message me directly.

When a prayer request gets posted, I private message back an individualized prayer that God puts on my heart, in real time.  Sometimes, a general public prayer is posted, using discretion if need be.  Others will often join in prayer as well.   The more praying, the better!   It's powerful!

Lots of Details are Unnecessary!
Too often they get in the way 
of what God wants to do.

A first name, and a sentence stating the need is all that's required.  Sometimes we think that details are more important than they are.  We think if people know everything about the situation, they will pray better.  I don't agree with that.  It's not about ME praying.

 It's about the Holy Spirit leading and 
guiding our prayers.  He knows best!

Working alongside my spiritual mama, Bonnie Joy Kelley, at The Bonfire, I have learned and practiced  staying in the flow of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to take us where He wants to go.  Whether it's a gathering of people at a meeting or an "online"  prayer line, it's all the same.  He's the Leader!

It doesn't stop there.  Since those few days of electronic prayer, God has also had me texting prayers to people on their cell phones.  Every once in a while, He'll just start praying for someone.  I can hear it in my head.  When that happens, I pick up my phone, type it in, and hit "SEND."  People have reported back that "God knew exactly what they needed!"  AMEN!

That's How It Works!

Last fall, God told me it was time to add a little fuel to the mix.  It was time to step into the prayer closet.  I never imagined that I'd be stepping into new realms of prayer with these RED shoes of mine.  God never ceases to amaze me!


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Where's the power?

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 116 -

Lean into The Cross and take a closer look!

The other day, God spoke something very important to me while I was in the prayer closet.  He said that I'm going to have to endure the grief and pain, and lean into the cross.  He wants me to take a closer look.

"That's where all the power is!"  
He said.
"Power for Salvation.
Power for Deliverance.
Power for Healing.
Power for Provision.

It's all in the Blood and Resurrection!"

I don't know about you, but I can't bear to watch the movie "The Passion."  I can't bear to go to Easter programs that depict the crucifixion.  It's too painful to watch.  I can barely get through it.  It rips my heart apart to watch such a thing.  But I shall take a closer look, because He has instructed me to.  I already know that He wants me to see something that I haven't quite got a hold of.  

I know "in my head"  that's where the power is, 
but now I've got to walk it out!
I've got to demonstrate it!

As I headed out to The Bonfire today, the Holy Spirit told me to remind the ladies of Romans 8:11a...

"The Spirit of Him who raised Jesus 
from the dead, is living in you!"

I'm always reminded that the devil is a liar and a deceiver.  That's his only weapon and he wields it well.  We've got to constantly remember that truth and act accordingly!

When the devil tells us we're alone...
No!  This verse reminds us God is continually with us!

When the devil tells us we're powerless...
No!  This verse tells us The All Powerful lives in us!

When the devil tells us it will never happen... Well that's not right either.
Jesus, Himself, said in Matthew 19:26  
"...With man this is impossible,  but with God all things are possible!"

That's when I heard 
the Holy Spirit laugh.  
He said...
"With all those ladies at The Bonfire, 
there's enough power to blow up the world!"

 I'm learning more and more each day to lean into God's Word and lean away from the ways of the world.  The ways of the world don't work.  They're powerless.  I'm tired of powerless, aren' you?  I'm embracing powerful!  For now on, I'm calling things as I see them.  

 When I see the devil's DNA all over something...
 I reject it!   I turn away!   I shun it!  

When I see God's DNA...
 I receive it!
 I go with it!   I take hold of it!

Shoes are for walking things out.  When I step out in my RED shoes, I choose what I lean into and what I don't.  I'm leaning into God!

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, 
because it is the power of God that 
brings salvation to everyone who believes:  
first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."
Romans 1:16


Deliverance Denied!

Stepping Out in RED Shoes! 
- Day 115 -

Not Now?  Really?

In preparation for my son's upcoming wedding, I found myself at the salon today getting my hair cut and colored.  There I was talking to my favorite Christian hair stylist, folding foils and handing them to her one after the other, when a colleague of hers came by and started to chat.  I noticed that his conversation was filled with phrases like... "So I asked God for a sign."   I'm not sure he was born again, but what I do know is that God has been moving in his life in wonderful ways. Then his conversation changed.   He began telling me that, for some time now,  he and his wife have been cutting back on cigarette smoking, trying to kick the habit.

Then it happened!   The Holy Spirit began jumping up and down inside of me like 
there was no tomorrow!

"I want to deliver him of nicotine addiction, right now!" 
He shouted.  
"Let's do it!"

Okay... so picture this:  I'm sitting there  -- with my head full of foils -- trying not to bubble over with joy, myself.  Sometimes the Holy Spirit is like a kid in a candy store.  He can get pretty excited!  Meanwhile, I'm trying to stay composed on the outside, evaluating the situation.

"What if God wanted to deliver you right now of the nicotine addiction?"  I asked him.
"Would you be up for that?"

"No."  He replied.  "I still like my two cigarettes in the morning and two at night."

"But what if God could take away that desire completely?"  I said.  
"Have you ever seen Him do that?"

"Oh, I've seen Him do that."  He responded.
"He delivered me from alcohol like that. -- But I'm not ready."

"You know... I think God would deliver you right now if you wanted!"
I insisted.

"No!  No!"  He returned.  "I'm just not ready yet."
Then he walked away.

Did he just say  "No Thank You"  to God?
Yup!  He did.

I couldn't believe it.  I've never been so confident before that God wanted to deliver someone.  I was trying to find the open door.  I really was.  If he had just said something like...  

"Do you think God could do that for me?"  or 
 "I'd be up for that!"  or even  
"I'm not sure God does things like that."  

I'd have been out of my chair -- foils and all -- laying hands on him and believing God for total deliverance.  I have no doubts that he would never  have smoked another cigarette again!  God may have even delivered his wife as well!

He just wasn't ready.  Too bad.  Maybe God will come around and offer again, maybe not.  I didn't feel the grieving of the Holy Spirit, but His excitement faded quickly.

 Perhaps He's used to people saying,
 "No, not now!"  

I don't know.  It's sad -- God wanting to do a miracle and there's no interest.  I can't help but wonder if I've ever done that?   I hate to say it, but probably.  How many times?  I don't even want to know.

Today, I stepped out in RED shoes and witnessed deliverance denied.  Oh well... It was good practice. I'm learning.  One of these days, the Holy Spirit will jump up and down again, and someone will respond affirmatively.  When that happens, I'll have a front row seat.


Living the Dream.

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 114 -

Prayer Warrior. 

The sun is yet to come up.
Already I have made my way to the closet.
Standing there naked,
I begin to dress myself, 
piece by piece, item by item,
I’m putting on my battle gear,
equipping myself for the day.

I greet my Father,
praising Him for His goodness in one breath,
bowing before Him, asking for forgiveness in another.

I put on my helmet, my breastplate,
my belt and my shoes.
I pick up my shield and sword.

When I am completely and confidently covered, 
I move into the Spirit realm with
prayers for those to whom God has assigned me.
I bind principalities and powers,
tear down spiritual strongholds, 
while proclaiming words of victory over them,
in Jesus' Mighty Name!

I pray until I’m done. 
Sometimes, I think I’m done
and The Holy Spirit says,  “Pray more!”
Only when I’ve completed my task fully,
does the Father bless me to go forth.
With that, I slip on my Ruby reds 
and face the day. 

I am living my dream.
God has transformed me
into the prayer warrior
He’s called me to be.


"Take delight in the LORD
and He will give you the 
desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Why Adversity?

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 113 -

There are Reasons for
Seasons of Adversity.

A friend of mine recently posted a question on facebook:  

Adversity -- Does it make you weaker or stronger?

Don't get me wrong... I absolutely love the mountain top experience.  When I find myself there, I do my best to celebrate it to the fullest!  That's because I realized early on in my Christian walk that people don't grow on the mountaintop. They dance!  They sing!  They praise!  They overflow!  They rejoice!   But they don't grow.   

We also don't live on the mountaintop.  It's more of a place we vacation when we've achieved the victory!  Okay... stay with me here, I'm going someplace with all this.  Reality is --

Life is filled with ups and downs
and most of the time, we're en route.

We're going through the valley.  We're climbing up the mountain. We're picking ourself up after falling down.  We're being tested right and left.  And then,  just when you think you can travel no further, you find yourself on the mountaintop again.

A Season of Adversity is a time of:
 difficulty,  challenge,  misfortune,  conflict,  testing.

When you pass the test, resolve the conflict, learn the lesson, overcome the challenge and find peace in the difficulty, you move to the mountain top.  

Adversity:  Does it make you weaker or stronger?

My answer is:  BOTH!

 "Weaker"  is merely ONE stone 
on the path leading to "Stronger."

1.  Adversity will always show you exactly where you really are in your Christian faith.  You can talk the talk all you want, but adversity will put your walk on display for all to see.  It's a test.  It's always a test!  Will you work through the difficulty?  Will you step up to the challenge?  Will you overcome the misfortune?  Will you resolve the conflict?  Will you go the distance?  Will you pass the test?  

Over the years, there have been a handful of occasions in which I thought my faith was strong and  BOOM!  Test Time!  It was as if God was saying...  "Let me show you how strong your faith is."  Yikes!  My grade was rarely as high as I expected.  I guess you could say I was a bit over-confident.  

That's okay though.  When it was over, I knew exactly where I stood on matters.  Suddenly, I saw the gap between where I needed to be and where I was and I could begin working to get there.  I knew what was needed to get to the next level.

2.  Adversity helps us identify with others in their challenges. I will be the first to admit that if I didn't face so many adversities, more times than not, I would judge others in ways I should not.   Early in my walk with the LORD, I thought, 

 "If they only did this or that, things would be different in their lives."  

"If they came to church more, their kids wouldn't be struggling with drugs."
"If they had better work ethics, they wouldn't be struggling for money."
"If their faith was stronger, they wouldn't sick all the time."

Blah - Blah - Blah.

Then the tides turned and I was faced with adversity.  I found out the hard way that I had misjudged others.  I was ashamed that I had jumped to conclusions and found myself repenting.  That's when I discovered the true meaning of GRACE.

2.  That said, Adversity presents opportunities for us to learn important lessons that are priceless!  Why so often we must learn "the hard way,"   I don't know, but it happens.  God doesn't waste our time of difficulty.  He teaches us things.

3.  Adversity also presents us with opportunities to be "more than conquerers" in Christ Jesus! These are  times of STRETCHING.  They force us to reach a little further, walk a little farther, go a little deeper, believe a little better, love a little harder.  We didn't think we could, but we did!  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  (Philippians 4:13)  We surprise even ourselves.  The underdog comes up from behind and wins!

4.  Adversity gives us and others the opportunity to be a friend.  We can reach out to others with the unconditional love of Jesus  OR  perhaps it is someone else reaching out to us with the love of Jesus.  Sometimes when we're helpless, we actually let our guard down long enough for others to reach into our space and love us.  You'd think that would be easy, wouldn't you?  But sometimes we don't even realize that we are our own worst enemies.  We don't let people love us.  We're closed.  Hmmm.  Just something to think about.

5.  Adversity is an opportunity for God to show His glory.  We're human.  We fall short.  There are some things we just can't accomplish on our own -- God is needed!  When the stage of life is desperate for a miracle, God shows up in the most unusual and unexpected ways!  That's when the praise and glory -- all the applause --goes to Him.

6.  Adversity sets us up for a Divine Encounter.  More often than not, it's in times of adversity that we turn to God. -- We look in His Direction. --  We talk to Him. -- We give our lives to Him. -- We enter into covenants with Him.    Really?  Must we wait for adversity?  Unfortunately, YES!

7.  Of course, some may say that Adversity makes us weaker.  Times of testing and difficulty aren't easy and they are anything but comfortable.  

There's always going to be the temptation to 
STOP  in your tracks,  SIT DOWN  and GIVE UP.   

God doesn't want us to plop ourselves down in discouragement and defeat.  That's the devil's plan.  
John 10:10 says it best...

"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, 
but I (Jesus said) have come that you might
 have life and have it to the fullest."

When people stop, they often get stuck!  Sometimes they turn around and go home.  They go back to where they started.  They lose ground.  NO!   Adversity is an opportunity to "walk it out."  -- To put our trust in Him.  -- To stay steadfast.  To stand on the promises of God.  --  To hold on tight and enjoy the adventure.  To let go of the fear and ride it out to completion to the glory of God!

As I step out in RED shoes each day, I know some days are going to be difficult.   I might have to pick myself up off the ground.  I might have an upward climb ahead of me -- a long upward climb.  Seasons of Adversity will come!  But God has a plan in place to use everything for my good.  Sure, I may realize my weakness, but in Him -- I become strong!

"We know that in all things God works for 
the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28

In RED Shoes, 



Saturday, April 26, 2014

He's Personal.

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 112 -

During the last Bonfire meeting, a tongue and interpretation came forth in which the Spirit of the LORD proclaimed,
"I'm the GOD of Your Circumstances!"  

Following that came a Word of exhortation:

He's  OUR  God --   That means He's  YOUR  God  and  He's MY God!

He's a  PERSONAL  God.  He's not way "out there!"  No!  He's right here --moving in our daily lives.

Often we think...

"This is too difficult." 
or  "This is not important enough."
or  "I can't bother God with this!"

The devil uses that kind of mentality 
to turn us away from The Father.

The prophetic Word continued, calling some people out -- stating that there was UNBELIEF.

Some didn't believe that God was able --
Some didn't believe He'd  provide --
Some didn't believe that He would help.

We must never forget...

With men our circumstance may be impossible 
but with God nothing is impossible.

While all this was happening, I picked up a marker and wrote what God was saying on the big whiteboard at the front of the room.  We took a few minutes to talk about what God had said to us, and then moved on to some body ministry and prayer followed by a teaching from God's Word.

As our sister began to teach from the Word, I erased the whiteboard, and began to take notes on what she was saying.  Forty-five minutes later, as the teaching came to a close, a woman, sitting in the front row,  raised her hand.  She pointed to the white board, moving her finger from left to right, as if she were writing something on board. 

"I can't get that out of my mind! " 
 She proclaimed.  

"He's the God of Our Circumstances!"

She proceeded to tell us of the changes that were taking place in her life, and how God was using that Word to assure her that He was aware of her personal situation and that He was with her.  We all gathered around her and prayed.  Her whole countenance changed from worry to wonder.

"He's the God of Our Circumstances!"

It's worth repeating.  It's a Good Word.   Funny...  hours later, the LORD tapped me on the shoulder and whispered it again, to me personally.  He reminded me that He's well aware of every detail in my life and that there's nothing too difficult for Him.  He loves it when when come to Him -- when we share our life with him -- including the challenges we face and struggle with.  

Sometimes God is so personal, 
we take for granted who He is 
and what He is capable of doing.  

That said...  What do you need to share with Him right now?  Is there a problem that you've kept to yourself?   Is there heartache of some sort?   Is there a need for healing?  deliverance?  or provision?  Take a step of faith in your RED shoes and...

(Luke 11:8-10)

Don't hold back anything.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Stuck in the pain.

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 111 -

He left the 99 to go help 1.

I've always considered The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4)  to be about God going after the Christian who has lost his way, but recently God showed me another perspective.

Some sheep aren't necessarily lost, 
they're just stuck in the pain of their past.  
This week I saw God go after one such lamb.

The other day after The Bonfire, I met up with my ministry friends for a little fellowship.  Usually we sit around and talk about what's happening in our individual ministries -- sharing prayer requests and praise reports.  This day, however, five of us hit the road for a little Holy Ghost excursion.  We took a ride out east to visit a new ministry friend.

When we arrived, we all sat down in her living room, chatting about this and that, listening to lovely music while sipping on something cool and refreshing.  I almost wondered what we were doing way out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the afternoon.  It was lovely, but mysterious all the same.  We asked our sister to tell us a little about herself, for we all had really just met her.  WOW!   What a powerful testimony!

Then suddenly, there was a shift. 
It became obvious that God had 
brought us here for a purpose.  

Part of this wonderful sister-in-Christ was stuck in the thorns.  There was healing that needed to take place. Ever so gently, we gathered around her and began to minister God's counsel and love.  Prayers went up to Heaven on her behalf right there in her living room.  It was a glorious time as the healing power of God moved through her heart.

As we traveled home that afternoon, it struck me that God had used this power team to go after this special sister and release her from the painful thorns of her past.   No one knew that pain existed.  Our new friend was a Woman of God, accustomed to ministering to the masses.  Have you ever wondered who ministers to them?  Sometimes, no one.  In such cases, however, God leaves the multitudes and finds the one.

By nightfall our sister was safe in His arms.

That's a comforting thought, because if He'll do it for her, 
He'll do it for you and for me.  If we ever get stuck in our
 pain, we can be assured that He'll come and release us.

Today, I considered it a privilege to be part of this power team.  As an individual, I may never  have extended myself into such places out of lack of experience and giftings for such a matter.  Perhaps none of us would, but together, we were all able to bring something... experience, counsel, prayer, a loving hug, a Word.  God used us all.  I took note of what the others with me were doing, appreciating their divine skills, how they handled things, what they said... it was on the job training at it's best.  To top it all off, God showed up and added His thumbprint.  It was a powerful day!

I'm glad I don't always have to step out in RED shoes, alone.  A team approach has it's benefits.  I don't have to rely on just what I bring to the table.  It's a combined effort of us all -- along with the Master's Touch!  That, my friend, extends my borders considerably!

"The LORD is my shepherd."
Psalm 23:1


Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Tear

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 110 -

An old Grandmother in the faith -- Sister Brooks -- used to always say...

"God works in mysterious ways,
His wonders to perform."

I recently bought a birthday card for a dear friend.  I looked through numerous cards before finding just the right one.  It was simple and sweet, not very colorful or flowery, but it voiced exactly what I wanted to say.  Even so, I never expected my friend's eyes to fill with tears when she read it.

a quiet moment,
a sincere word,
a stirring in one's spirit,
a tear.

Sometimes only God knows what's happening in the depths of our hearts when a tear appears.  We may not know, ourselves, what's happening -- we just know "something" is.  The Bible says in 1 John 4:8b...

"God is love."

People often want to chock up tears as silly emotions.  I don't believe that.  They are a heavenly language that only God understands.  He deems them so valuable that He collects them, making note of their meaning.

"You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book."
Psalm 56:8 NLT

Today, I'm reminded that when Jesus died on the cross, the curtain was rent in two, from top to bottom, giving mankind access into His presence.  (Mark 15:38)  Perhaps, a single tear represents
the touch of God on the human heart in just such a place -- behind the broken veil.  It's such a magnificent moment that it can't be described with words.

Today, I step out in RED shoes, believing that the same God that collects tears, will move through me and touch the lives of those around me with HOPE.

"But now LORD, what do I look for?
My hope is in You."
Psalm 39:7


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

China Beach

Stepping Out in RED Shoes!
- Day 109 -

A Place to Rest and Recover -- but only for a Season!

Back in the eighties, "China Beach"  was a popular television show.  It was a place where soldiers went to get medical treatment during the war.  There, they rested and recovered, often returning to active duty, after healing.  Sometimes their injuries sent them home to the United States -- sometimes into eternity.

Many Christians today are under the 
impression that their born again experience
 is about rest and relaxation -- here and now.  

Quite the contrary!  It's about enlisting in the Army of God to win the world to Christ!  It's about re-enlisting.  It's about serving your time, until God takes you Home.

Everyday, people are dying 
and entering an eternity without God.  
Your service is needed!  God wants You!

If my memory serves me, there was one character on China Beach nicknamed, "Boonie."  He had some emotional issues due to active combat and wasn't able to go back into the field.  Instead, he just stayed at China Beach, helping out any way he could.  He was the exception to the rule.  Although he was physically able, he was broken emotionally, never to fight again.

Unfortunately many Christians are 
 at China Beach without just cause.

Hey -- I understand that everyone needs a little rest and relaxation.  God, Himself, told us to keep the sabbath day holy.  (Exodus 20:8-10)  He's adamant about a weekly day of rest!  As healthy Christians, however, one must come home from vacation and go back to work in the Father's vineyard!  There comes a time when the rest and relaxation period is over! 

Too many are taking extended stays at China Beach!
No more!   The Beach is closed!

I recall a time when I was very sick with the flu.  I wasn't able to even lift my head from the pillow.  I couldn't fathom the thought of ever getting out of bed.  No way!  It was an impossible task.  Slowly, however, I began to heal.  In time, I recovered, and when I did, you couldn't keep me in bed.  I was up and about A.S.A.P.  The last thing I wanted to do was lie down.  When you're healthy, there's something wrong with staying in bed, as if you were sick!

The way of the world is to make as much money as you can so you can spend as much time as possible doing fun stuff.  I'm not against having a good time.  And I'm not here to proclaim a legalistic approach to Christianity that emphasizes how much time you can put in with God.  Here's what I am saying...

When God saves your soul, you become very aware 
of the lost world around you, 
and how you were once part of it.

It's normal to turn around and reach for the hands 
of others who are drowning and pull them out too!  

It's not normal to go on an everlasting vacation 
at China Beach when everyone is crying out to be saved.

Oral Roberts -- the great healing evangelist -- was once encouraged by a friend to take a little time for himself, to relax and have some fun.  He certainly deserved it.  He was a hard worker for the LORD!  But NO!  He wouldn't hear it.  As far as he was concerned, his vacation awaited him in Heaven.  Until then, he would be about His Father's business here on earth.

That said,  I'll be stepping out in these RED army boots of mine until the day I die!
